Products and services

Sequences in MIDI format (Midi format 0):

For most keyboards that work with GENERAL MIDI system. This midi is compatible with keyboards that reproduce midis Format zero (0). The percussion is grouped in channel 10.

Our midis DO NOT include melodic line, we work midis no karaokes.

MIDIPRO sequences (Midi format 1):

Midi made for musical production, separated by channels with the respective GM instrument names in each channel, percussion separated by instrument. It is also used for advanced keyboards with Midi editing capability.

Tracks Sampled in Mp3 format:

For groups and singers who work with minidisc, ipods, mp3 players, cd / dvd players, etc ...

None of the mp3 tracks have choruses available, we only work instrumental tracks.


Custom tracks in Mp3:

Clues with the requirements that the client wishes, if he plays with live percussion we record the track without percussion, if he wants to play the piano live he is recorded without piano, everything to the client's liking!
To buy a personalized track, select PERSONALIZED MP3 TRACK and add to the cart, in case the option is not available contact us at before making your purchase since if you buy mp3 you will be sent the full mp3.


If you want any additional service to these contact us at that we will gladly help you!